10 Reasons We Love To Clean Our Home

10 Reasons We Love To Clean Our Home

A clean home has many advantages. That’s a no-brainer. It promotes a healthy body and a healthy mind. However, with the many responsibilities of today’s families, combining professional work with regular housekeeping can be a big challenge. 

It goes without saying that we all feel good in a tidy and clean house. Did you know that there are several unexpected benefits to having a clean home that most people don’t even think about? When your home is cluttered, messy and tangles of dust lurk in corners, it all affects your health and your emotional well being. Contact professional cleaning services and discover the many unexpected benefits of having a clean home. 

1. A clean home promotes better physical health!

A dirty, dusty and cluttered house can aggravate asthma and colds and facilitate the spread of dangerous bacteria. The point is not to keep the home sterile, but a clean and dust-free environment can help keep the whole family healthy all year round. Cleaning your home regularly is the best way to get rid of dust and other allergens. Household chores such as sweeping, vacuuming and wet wiping shelves, floors allow you to remove dust, mites, pet hair and other allergens on an ongoing basis. Their accumulation causes allergies and other health-related problems. Keeping your home clean will also relieve breathing problems and asthma symptoms. It is extremely important to use safe and non-toxic cleaning agents. Unfortunately, sometimes we do not realize that the strong and toxic chemicals we use for washing and cleaning may negatively affect our health and well-being. This is why at YBH we choose ecological and natural cleaning products that are eco-friendly and safe for your entire family. 

2. A clean home is an organized home Regular cleaning makes you more organized. 

Hiring professional cleaning services that will carry out regular cleaning will help you deal with those challenging tasks, allowing you to live comfortably. Regular cleaning will ensure that your home is kept up to speed all the time, giving you the time to do all of the other important things you have in life. 

3. A clean house reduces the risk of injury Unbelievable, isn’t it? 

A neat and orderly home means fewer accidents. Clutter usually makes it hard to move around the house and find stuff that you need. This is especially true of young children who are just learning to walk and the elderly. Keeping your home clean and tidy can reduce the risk of injury. Clutter in your child’s play-area can increase the risk of trips and falls. Moreover, piles of boxes or books can easily fall and hit someone. Organizing your house has a huge impact on the safety of your family. 

4. A clean home equals peace of mind 

The outside world is chaotic enough, so don’t let this chaos spill into your home. When you live in a clean and tidy home, you gain inner peace. You walk in, close the door and leave the noise, confusion and chaos outside. Don’t bring it inside. 

5. A clean house supports minimalism 

A clean and tidy house that’s not filled with knick-knacks or cluttered with furniture, fits into the concept of minimalism. Of course, not every owner of a neat house is a minimalist. Sometimes you may feel overwhelmed with the mess and amount of stuff accumulated, which is why it’s important to learn how to give them up – give them away, sell them, throw out the things you don’t need or use anymore. Decluttering will change your life by making it easier and safer. At least once a year, preferably once every quarter, get rid of items you no longer need or no longer use. Every month try to sell a few unnecessary clothes, books and knick-knacks. 

6. A clean house makes you happy 

Most people are happy and content after cleaning up and tidying up a dirty and disorganized home. It’s just more pleasant to live in a clean and tidy environment. Clutter and chaos in the home make us feel anxious, stressed and overwhelmed. A clean house reduces stress. Call YBH – the best cleaning services in Chicago today and let us make you and your family happy! 

7. A clean home means more efficiency 

Cleanliness and order in the house make your work more efficiently. Especially when you’re working from home. According to research, people living in a clean environment are more concentrated and productive at work, which in turn allows them to generate better results and earn more money. 

8. A clean home means fewer bacteria, germs and microorganisms 

Disinfectants kill bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms that may be dangerous to your family’s health. That is why it’s so important to regularly clean sanitary facilities (like bathrooms) and kitchen surfaces with ecological cleaning agents. They kill germs and bacteria that cause disease and infection. Regular disinfection of surfaces in the kitchen, bathroom and dining room will protect against potentially dangerous bacteria.

9. A clean home means no mold 

Keeping your home clean gives you more options to detect mold and remove it faster. Mold and fungi can be dangerous to health. They can cause severe allergic reactions, cold and flu-like symptoms, asthma attacks, and other serious health problems. Having a professional cleaning service clean your home regularly will help to prevent mold growing, thus – promoting a safer and healthier environment. 

10. A clean house means no pests 

A dirty, cluttered and dusty house invites various uninvited tenants such as cockroaches and other pests. Remember to regularly throw away rubbish, sweep, vacuum and wash floors with the addition of vinegar – to prevent unwanted guests from settling in in the form of hard-to-eradicate pests.

23rd Dec 2022

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